Hopelmar is a consultancy firm, training, safety services and supplier who has specialized in the field of Quality, Health and Safety, Environmental Management System, SNI Product Certification / SNI Marking, H2S Safety Monitoring Services dan Safety Equipment Supply with a diverse range of services in the field of private , government, and nonprofit organizations to support the improvement of the performance of the customer in terms of health and safety, environmental, dan quality.
Hopelmar has experiences in improving the performance of various business organizations, industries and services, such as telecommunications companies, oil & gas company, contractors, mining, hospital, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, hospitality, etc..
With our consultant, trainer and safety specialist who has experiences, we provide the best service in helping organizations and personnel to improve the capability and resource management capabilities are well established in various aspects of business.
Hopelmar has expertise in consulting of business and management consisting of design, development, analysis, implementation and continuous quality improvement in various areas of business.
We provide different types of services with a wide area ranging from business processes to the implementation and continuous quality improvement.. Our consulting services consist of :
1. Health And Safety Management Consulting
2. Environmental Management Consulting
3. Quality Management Consulting
4. Product Sertification / SNI Marking, CE Marking, E Marking, and Homologation
5. H2S Risk Management Consulting
Hopelmar's team has expertise in H2S Safety Specialist and reliable service technicians to install, commission, test and maintain equipment to provide services of :
Hopelmar provide a wide range of Training with training sessions to achieve the objective. Training is given to provide a common understanding and techniques to improve organization business processes.
Training can be given in the form of Public Training and In-House Training which is the right solution for your organization because it is specifically designed in accordance with the process, the product / service and organization culture.
Our Training Services such :
We also provide Gas Detector, Gas Protector and Gas Removal / Bug Blower and another safety equipment to support the Occupational Health and Safety performance of your organization in the form of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE / APD) and Fire Extinguisher (APAR).
It is a pride for us to work in depth with our customers for their business purposes.
Feel free to CONTACT US to discuss all your requirements regarding Health and Safety, Environmental and Quality Management, H2S Safety Monitoring Services and Safety Equipment Supply, and we are happy to assist you.